Any character in Amicas, except monks, may attempt to cast spells. Spells listed for Cleric or Paladin may only be cast by characters of that class unless another class is listed on the spell. Except for the specifics listed in this document, all other class restrictions on casting, such as alignment restrictions and preparation of spells apply. Those with only Barbarian, Fighter, and/or Rogue levels can cast any spell they know without preparing it ahead of time. Monks will not have access to spells, but will have greater access to Ki Points and Powers.
Caster Level - Ability Scores - Spell Effects - DC - Spell Points - Knowledge Points - Ki Points - Result Table - Fatigue - Bonus Spells - Specialist Wizards - Metamagic Feats
Caster level will be used when determining spell points per day, knowledge points for known spells and the results table for spells cast. See below for how to calculate caster level by class.
Sorcerer and Wizard
Caster Level = Class Level
(Example: A level 6 Sorcerer would have a Caster level of 6.)
Cleric and Druid
Caster Level (spells of their class) = Class Level
Caster Level (spells outside their class) = 1 at each odd level and ½ at each even level
(Example: A level 8 Cleric will have a Caster level of 8 for Cleric spells and a Caster level of 6 for all other spells.)
Caster Level = 1 at each odd level and ½ at each even level
(Example: A level 2 Bard will have a Caster level of 1. A level 8 Bard will have a Caster level of 6.)
Paladin and Ranger (non-casters until level 4)
Caster Level = -2 for levels 1-3, then 1 at each even level and ½ for each odd level
(Example: A level 3 Ranger will have a Caster level of -2. A level 7 Ranger will have a Caster level of 3.)
Barbarian, Fighter, and Rogue (non-casters)
Caster Level = -2
(Example: A level 6 Fighter will have a Caster level of -2.)
The ability score associated with your caster class will be used to determine spell points per day, knowledge points for known spells.
Bard, Paladin, and Sorcerer
Cleric, Druid and Ranger
Barbarian, Fighter, and Rogue
Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence (whichever is highest may be used)
When casting spells that have effects based on caster level, you may use the characters caster level or the lowest level spell can be cast at, whichever is highest.
(Example: A level 2 Sorcerer casting a Fireball spell would do 3d6 fire damage, since it's able to be cast at level 3.)
Spell DC = 10 + the lowest level a spell may be cast at + the ability modifier for your class
Instead of a number of spells that may be cast per day, spell points will be used. A spell point is equal to the lowest level at which the spell may be cast. For example, Cure Light Wounds would cost 1 spell point to cast as it’s able to be cast as a level 1 spell. If a character has a negative caster level, their spell points will be equal to their ability score.
Spells Points per Day = Ability Score + (Ability Modifier x Caster Level)
(Example: A Sorcerer with 14 Charisma, a Charisma Modifier of 2, and a Caster level of 3 will have 20 spell points per day they may use before becoming fatigued. A Fighter with 14 Intelligence will have 14 spell points per day they may use before becoming fatigued.)
The number of spells known is determined by the number of knowledge points are character has. Each spell costs a number of knowledge points equal to the lowest level at which the spell may be cast, except for level 0 spells which cost a half point (0.5). For example, to know Cure Light Wounds would cost 1 point as it's a level 1 spell. Detect Magic would cost 0.5 points as it's a 0 level spell.
Knowledge Points = Spell Points per Day / 2
(Example: A Character with 16 Spell Points, has 8 Knowledge points. This character could know the following list of spells: Fireball - level 3; Scorching Ray - level 2; Cure Light Wounds - level 1; Mage Armor - level 1; Acid Splash - level 0; Detect Magic - level 0)
A Monk obtains Ki Points as indicated below. Monks will also use the Result Table to see if the power succeeds in being used.
Ki Points per Day = Monk level + Wis Modifier
(Example: A level 6 Monk with Wisdom modifier of 3 would have 9 Ki Points.)
While casting a spell or using a ki power, the results may vary from success, nothing, to backlashing. The formula below will be used to determine which result table will be used. The more positive a result, the more likely chance of success. Once the table to be used is determined, the character will roll percentile dice to determine the result of casting the spell/ki power. Monks will use the Results Table as indicated below using the required level for a power or two times the point cost, whichever has the lowest result.
Result Table = Caster Level – (2x Spell Level)
(Example: A level 8 Sorcerer casting a level 3 spell would use result table 2. A level 8 Bard casting a level 3 spell would use result table 0. A level 8 Fighter casting a level 1 spell would use result table -4.)
Result Table = Monk Level – Required Level for the Power OR Result Table = Monk Level – (2 x Point Cost of using the Power), WHICHEVER HAS THE LOWEST RESULT
(Example: A level 8 Monk using a Ki power with no level requirement and a cost of 1 point would use the 6 Result Table. A level 8 Monk using a Ki power with a level requirement of 6 and a cost of 1 point would use the 2 Result Table.)
Once a character has used all points for the day they become magically fatigued and take a -2 penalty to the result table. Casting 0 level spells does not incur this penalty as they do not use spell points.
If a character is granted bonus spells from their class, these will be added to the characters known spells without costing Knowledge Points. A character may know any bonus spells up to those of 1/2 their caster level. These spells do cost Spell Points to cast.
(Example: A character with a Caster Level of 8 would know spells up to level 4)
A wizard that chooses to specialize in one school of magic should follow the guidelines from the core rulebook with the following substitutions.
Preparing a spell from an opposition school costs an additional spell point, this includes zero level spells. (Instead of two spell slots of that level)
Preparing a spell from the specialty school will cost 1 point less, minimum of 1 point, unless it’s a zero level spell. (Instead of receiving an additional spell slot for each level)
Spells modified by a metamagic feat will cost more spell points to cast than normal. This does not change the level of the spell in any other way. The additional spell point cost when using these feats is listed below.
Empower Spell +2 SP Increase spell variables by 50%
Enlarge Spell +1 SP Double spell range
Extend Spell +1 SP Double spell duration
Heighten Spell* = Level Treat spell as a higher level
Maximize Spell +3 SP Maximize spell variables
Quicken Spell +4 SP Cast spell as a swift action
Silent Spell +1 SP Cast spell without verbal components
Still Spell +1 SP Cast spell without somatic components
Widen Spell +3 SP Double spell area