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Stend Agger


Updated: Mar 31, 2021

Race: Half-Orc Class: Paladin (Oath of the Crown) Background: Folk Hero Pronouns: He/Him Age: 25*

Defining Characteristic: His optimism for adventuring. Quote: "This is what I live for. The excitement, the experiences, the money! Why in the world would people say this is a job for madmen?"

Backstory: Stend was the son of a human ironsmith named Daniel Agger. He lost an eye defending his small village from bandits. This was Stend's first taste for adventure. Young and full of dreams, he left his village behind. It was time to strike out and carve a name for himself.

*Humans are often surprised by his age due to his baldness. It's not like Orcs are known for having glorious locks of hair!


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