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Sasha Barkovich


Updated: Mar 27, 2021


Name: Sasha Barkovich

AKA: Corgibelle

A 29-year-old female mutant, Corgibelle is incredibly agile although not well educated and has virtually no presence or charisma whatsoever. Her body is covered with a thick, dense fur which gives her a heavy natural armour.

Personality Profile URGENT alert


Vocal text analysis of her video records indicate specific emphasis on her repeated use of the phrase "Sometimes you just can't care anymore" when combined with reduced vocal stress during the presence of high level stressors. Plotting her arrest methodologies against contract types, she has shown marked increase in contract acceptance with a termination option - usually resulting in a termination of the target with decreasing use of apprehension. Her physical prowess gives her a distinct advantage when attempting to apprehend that she seems no longer interested in using. Suspecting a drug addition due to personality shifts we placed a trace-hopper on all of her personal expenditures. There is no financial indication of unexpected expenditures or money loss associated with drug usage or relapsed alcohol dependency. That says she shows a preternatural obsession with hair conditioners.


Sasha showed high marks in the academy and apart from a few incidents was well liked by her fellow SD agents. Evidently a fellow cadet would torment Sasha by constantly referring to her as a dog and asking if she turned around 3 times before lying down to go to sleep. Discovering that the fellow cadets mom was deathly allergic to dog hair Sasha strategically hid a large amount of dog hair in her fellow cadet's luggage prior to the cadet's annual trip home. Evidently the cadet's mother sneezed so hard she burst an eardrum. Despite this event, Sasha was a good student. During training she did not show any symptoms of psychopathology despite a childhood filled with traumatic events including a hate crime burning of her residence which resulted in the death of her mother and her pet. Once in the field she developed an intimate relationship with an unidentified being who appears to be a non-mutant. We are still searching for this person's identity in case agent coercion techniques are required in the future.

That seemed to change when during a raid to catch a known pedophile priest her partner was killed by a ricochet pulse rifle blast. Inquest cleared Sasha of any wrong doing however there are questions about why shots were even fired. Video and audio was inconclusive. Following her partner's death, Sasha's heavy drinking developed into an abuse situation requiring that she be institutionalized for a rehab stint. Since the death of her partner, psy-scans reveal a distinct personality shift towards depression, apathy, and hypervigillence. At the present time we do not have evidence that she is a danger to others. That said we need to monitor her activities closely.


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