Race: Air Genasi Class: Ranger (Hunter) Background: Haunted One Pronouns: Me/Mine Defining Characteristic: ? Quote: "It's just fine." Backstory: FairWynn was raised in an offshoot religious doomsday cult that was shunned by the Air Genasi community at large. Born into it, she didn't know anything else. As she grew so did her doubt and mistrust of the cult and everyone in it - including her parents ability to be parents. On her 18th birthday she was scheduled to undergo a commitment ceremony after which, she would be a full member of the cult itself. Her tasks began with a 3 day meditation in the wilds, during which she bolted like a bat out of hell. Knowing nothing of the outside world she lived in the wilds, hunted by the cult for months. She got good at hiding needless to say. Eventually she stumbled upon a settlement and learned about the outside world. Now an adult but in a way homeless she felt more comfortable in nature and spent a great deal of time in it. Eventually she learned the way of towns, and churches and bars and people and grew to understand that earning coin is a good thing because sometimes you can't hunt or find what you need. Now, in her mid 20's, she is content to do jobs for money every now and then but in her heart she knows that eventually she will have to return to the cult and kill the leaders. Not out of any sense of revenge but to prevent what happened to her from happening to others.