Rumors of a rampaging sea monster have ground shipping traffic to a halt in the harbor and the Jade Lion has gone missing near Skyhorn Lighthouse. Brave the open seas and cutthroat enemies in order to save the crew from a murky fate!
House Rules
Critical Success & Failure:
Many times, it's important to determine not only if you succeed or fail, but also how spectacularly you succeed or fail. Exceptional results—either good or bad—can cause you to critically succeed at or critically fail a check.
You critically succeed at a check when the check's result meets or exceeds the DC by 10 or more. If the check is an attack roll, this is a critical hit. You can also critically fail a check. The rules for a critical failure are the same as those for a critical success, but in the other direction: if you fail a check by 10 or more, that's a critical failure.
A natural 20 usually results in a critical success and natural 1 usually results in a critical failure. However, if you were going up against a very high DC, you might get only a success with a natural 20, or even a failure if 20 plus your total modifier is 10 or more below the DC. Likewise, if your modifier for a statistic is so high that adding it to a 1 from your d20 roll exceeds the DC by 10 or more, you can succeed even if you roll a natural 1.
DnDBeyond Character Creation:
Sources: Turn OFF Homebrew (No Homebrew without GM permission)
Partnered Content: Turn OFF all selections
Dice Rolling: (selected)
Optional Features: (none selected)
Advancement Type: (Milestone)
Hit Point Type: (Fixed)
Use Prerequisites: (all selected)
Encumbrance Type: (Use Encumbrance)
Ignore Coin Weight: (selected)
Alignment: Alignment is mostly ignored. (If indicated in a spell think intentions, good or evil.)
Turn OFF Show Legacy Content
Standard Array
Inventory: Remember to subtract the cost of any additional items purchased
Features & Traits: Feats: Gain a feat of your choice, that you meet the requirements for.
The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse (BY KELSEY DIONNE)