All samurai are supposed to live according to a strict and demanding set of ethical principles known as Bushido (literally, the "way of the warrior"). The principles of Bushido were first established by the Kami Akodo, founder of the Lion Clan, in his earliest writings, including his seminal book Leadership. They quickly came to be accepted by all the clans in Rokugan, and as the roles of samurai evolved to include courtiers and artisans, the Code of Bushido evolved into a complete philosophical view of the role and duty of the samurai. In modern Rokugan, Bushido is integral to almost every aspect of a samurai's life, and the proper way to uphold the Code is subject of continual discussion and debate among all samurai.
Bushido is comprised of seven Virtues: Courage, Compassion, Courtesy, Duty, Honesty, Honor, and Sincerity. These virtues are held to represent the proper way in which samurai should live and serve their lords. In its ideal form, Bushido values each of these virtues equally, and a samurai is expected to adhere to all of them with equal vehemence. In practice, however, few samurai can live such spotless lives. Moreover, every clan in Rokugan views Bushido in a slightly different way, according to their respective views of duty, honor, and life. The true nature of Bushido is constantly debated within the courts of Rokugan, and the true way to uphold its Virtues is seldom fully agreed upon even within the same clan. Every clan, even the Scorpion, has its idealists who try to uphold ever Virtue no matter the cost, just as every clan, even the Lion, contains a few dark souls who laugh at Bushido and flout its principles.
Code of Bushido : B-1 Bushido Series (Alderac Entertainment Group)