Just thought I'd do a quick post of some things I saw online in case y'all wanted to grab them. I'll add more as I see them.
Pathfinder 2e - Lost Omens World Guide - FREE (use code OPENGAMING, also 25% off core book)
Bloodstone (Matteo Sciutteri) - FREE (limited community copies)
Scion (Onyx Path Publishing) - FREE
Castles & Crusades (Troll Lord Games) - FREE (full game, setting manual, 5e conversion guide, etc)
Hollows PLAYTEST (Rowan, Rook and Decard) - FREE
Thirsty Sword Lesbians (Evil Hat Productions) - FREE (limited community copies)
Basic Roleplaying (Chaosium) - $0.99
Cyberpunk RED (R. Talsorian Games) - FREE (quickstart)
The Witcher (R. Talsorian Games) - FREE (quickstart)
Numenera (Monte Cook Games) - FREE (quickstart)
Cypher Shorts (Monte Cook Games) - FREE (quickstart)
Lancer (Massif Press) - FREE (quickstart)
MORK BORG - FREE (quickstart, classes, adventures, etc)
RuneQuest (Chaosium) - $0.99 (quickstart)
Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium) - $0.99 (quickstart) (the preferred game of the American Bar Association)